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Communications & Sub Categories


Stickey Board

Use animated sticky emoji when chatting on iOS.


Adult Emojis - Flirty Emoji Stickers

Cccess various stickers for love and sexy chatting.


Si Reverse Stickers

Si Reverse Stickers es una man era diverting de hacker reir a la gentle por medio de emoticones.


Protochat Network

Provide users with a better place to interact with others worldwide.


Buddypass Chat & Meet New People and Groups Nearby

Find friends and groups nearby for fun things to do.


Sam the Cat (Frim)

Say hello to your friends with stickers of Sam the Cat.


Crazy - Unicorn

Be your crazy unique self .



Chat with chosen friend in peace, read messages without anyone knowing.


K Usernames for Kik Messenger

Make new friends on Kik Messenger.


Crazy Fruits & Veggies (Frim)

Add fun to your messages with Crazy Fruits and Veggies stickers from Frim chat.


Bitmoji - Your Personal Emoji

Use Bitmoji in Snapchat, iMessage and wherever else you chat.



Connect with friends and loved ones anywhere in the world.