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Games & Sub Categories


Trigger Heroes

Blast your way through hordes of enemies.


Serious Scramblers

Overcome insurmountable odds in this highly challenging jumpless platformer.


Rock of Destruction

Get bigger and crush as many buildings you can while rolling down the mountain.


Star Fantasy

Complete various missions to earn gems.


Ghostbusters World

Charge up those proton packs and learn how to catch ghosts.


Hungry Dragon

Control ferocious dragons, flying, burning and devouring your way through a medieval realm.


Battlelands Royale

Fight for survival in an epic last man standing multiplayer battle royale.


Naval Command

Fast Paced WWII Naval Defense.


Call of Duty: Mobile

Visceral Multiplayer.


Mighty Runner

The Mighty Runner app is a companion to the Jakks Pacific, Inc. Mighty Runner Gaming System.


Just Cause 3: WingSuit Experience

Please Note this app is not supported on iPhone 4 and 4S.


The Vampire Diaries TV Show Quiz - Trivia for TVD

Added questions from the final 8th season.