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Business Software & Sub Categories


Eagle Mobile+

Eagle Mobile+ provides retailers a powerful collection of Inventory solutions including Physical Inventory with serial number tracking, Inventory.


SKF E-Cylinder CASM Calculator

Calculator tool that will give recommendation for the components of a linear servo axis based on the application data.


Telecom Behnke GmbH

Mit der offiziellen Behnke News App immer auf dem neusten Stand!Die kostenfreie Behnke News App liefert schnell und bequem aktuelle News, Produkt-...





Remote Desktop - RDP Lite

Using your iPhone or iPad, you can connect to your Windows Workstation Computer and see the files, programs, and resources exactly as you would...



Distribution Reimagined.


Bckerei&Konditorei Kirschner

Ab sofort gibt es Kirschner als eigene App im Store! Alle Neuigkeiten, Fotos, Veranstaltungen und Termine immer dabei. Dank Push-Benachrichtigungen...


EHS Insight

** Note: This app requires a free or paid EHS Insight account. **Everything you need to manage EHS at your organization Cloud based, secure web...


VIP SecureCallPrivacy,encryption,secure call software

SecureCall - Ultra secure end-to-end encrypted IP phone.(1)Highest level of security: A unique encryption key is created end-to-end at the...



Handel mit elektronischen TeilenMac OS X & iOS DienstleistungenTerminanfragen, Kontaktinfos, Neuigkeiten!Jetzt gibt es berding:edv als offizielle...


PDF to Word Lite - Convert PDF to word doc, PDF to Word converter by Flyingbee

== iOS 9 Compatibility, Optimized for iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus and iPad Pro ==PDF to Word is an utility designed to convert Adobe PDF document to...