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Educational Software & Sub Categories


Science Dictionary - Biology, Physics, & More

Science Dictionary by Farlex gives you free, instant access to more than 100, 000 scientific terms, thousands of images, and more than 35, 000...


Jain Panchang, Tithi, Events and Choghadiya

JAIN PANCHANG with TITHI'S, IMPORTANT EVENTS and CHOGHADIYA'S***** Jain Panchang is now available as an APP EXTENSIONS on Today's Widget **********...


NIV Bible Offline and Online

NIV Bible Offline and Online is an ios app that allow you to read NIV bible offline and online.


Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy

Look up over 4,300 various astronomic-related terms.


Al Quran Digital

Al Quran Digital Versi 2.0Fitur:1. Fitur yang paling ditekankan dalam aplikasi ini adalah penulisan dalam huruf latin yang disesuaikan dengan lidah...


Euro Truck Simulator 2 Version

Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a vehicle simulation game developed and published. The game is a direct sequel to the 2008 game Euro Truck Simulator and...


Logos Bible Software (iPhone)

Puts the Bible study tools in the palm of your hand.


Oxford Urdu Dictionary 2018

Oxford Urdu Dictionary is a continuation of the bright traditions of research and scholarship of Oxford University Press in the field of...


Idioms and Slang Dictionary - Word History & More

Idioms and Slang Dictionary by Farlex gives you definitions and examples from top sources like McGraw-Hill and Houghton Mifflin for more than 61...


Armenian Dictionary

Armenian to English and English to Armenian Dictionary.Text to speech feature and auto-complete suggestion for both language.Armenian diary has...


Reconstruction & Industrialization US 1865-1900

RECONSTRUCTION & INDUSTRIALIZATION (AMERICA 1865--1899) brings to life events in U.


Collins French Dictionary

Find comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of words and phrases.