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Entertainment Software & Sub Categories


Teleporter - 360VUZ

If you are passionate about covering special happenings, exclusive events, and make extra earning at the same time, then this App is your...


Glitter Wallpapers & Glitter Backgrounds

Best Glitter Wallpaper & Background app in the app store...


Dow Event Center

The Dow Event Center is a multipurpose entertainment venue located in Saginaw, MI.


MW Player

MW Player does not come with pre installed content like movies, channels or series.


Splash - Music & Beat Maker

Make beats, perform live.


Oracle Orb

Need answers. Oracle Orb is here. Simply think of your question and give Oracle Orb a shake (or tap) and wait while Oracle Orb's wisdom appears.


Snarky Search

Send LMGTFY links in iMessage.


Video Game Ratings by ESRB

Is that video game OK to play? Easily find a games rating information to help decide if it is age and content appropriate for your child. Search by...


Newton's Cradle HD

Have a virtual newtons cradle on your desk for free! Our advanced physics engine amazingly simulates a real Newton's Cradle. Also provides a great...


GC Bahrain

What do you should know about our latest Movie App.


Donkey Business

by Lucas Blalock.


Chinese Recipes Making Food

Chinese Food & Recipes.