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Entertainment Software & Sub Categories


Dhamma Talks

Dhamma Talks is a place where you can listen dhamma talks anytime, anywhere.


Practice Book: Tabs and Chords

Build an awesome collection of your favorite tabs and chords for guitar, ukulele and bass.


Ultimate Ears

Meet the new Ultimate Ears app designed exclusively for Ultimate Ears BLAST and Ultimate Ears MEGABLAST, portable Wi-Fi/Bluetooth speakers with...


Melo Player

With this easy-to-use player, you can simply have your music files from popular messenger apps like Telegram or any other to your library with...


TubiFun - Fun Music Player

Fast, secure and user-friendly video player that lets you listen unlimited songs in the background.


Musixmatch Lyrics Finder

Musixmatch is the world's largest lyrics catalog, giving you synchronized song lyrics with multilingual translations for all your music.


VST Transit GO

VST Transit Go transforms your iPad into a mobile music collaboration device, letting you conveniently find fellow musicians, producers and singers.


Marvis Music Player

Have a Great Taste of Music as well as Design? Marvis fulfils both with a Beautifully Designed Interface, and a Smart Music Player. "The new Marvis...


Free MP3 Downloader - Music Player

Install, download, and listen to your favorite track.


BeatS (Hip-Hop Edition) - Royalty-Free Hip-Hop & Rap Instrumentals

The Beat Store was put together by extraordinary people with vast music industry experience who have a great appreciation for music and pay...


Wotja X Generative System

Love creating music or writing?


Trending - Free Music Player

Find anything with the best search and listen to your favorite music for free!It's all about you. Discover popular music near you, build your own...