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Games & Sub Categories


The Legend of Moon

Classic role-playing game.


Drag Racing: Duel

#1 Car Game: Beat your Rivals.


Backgammon - Challenging Board & Dice Game

Challenge yourself in the classic board & dice game.


Lead the Light

Its the dawn of a new day, and Alpy the sun spirit is on a mission to bring warmth and light to the world.


Spell Mania - Word Spelling Games and Boggle Trainer

Spell Mania. Swipe over the letter tiles to spell as many words as you can. Discover 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7-letter words. 3 game modes: Free Play.


99 Gummy Bears

*** App Store New and Noteworthy, What's Hot, and top iPad Gummy Bear App ***99 Gummy Bears brings our favorite squishy candy to life with physics...


Disc Drivin' 2

Faceoff with friends in a turn-based, disc-swiping race as you compete to be the first to get your disc around the track.


Stories: Choose Your Path

Interactive Story Games.


Mega Game - Master of Orion Version

The ascendant spacefaring 4X strategy game returns! A new chapter in the epic Master of Orion saga is poised to once again capture the imaginations...


Words & Magic

Words & Magic is a RPG and fight with typing.



The classic Ball Game.