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Disc Pool Carrom

Multiplayer disc pool game.


No's HuBik

Install No's HuBik on your iOS device.


Ball Rush 3D!

Get to the goal line...


Doomsday Comet 2

The largest Comet known to man.


Monster cooking games for kids

Food & kitchen for toddlers.


SkyPhone - The Game

Epic Game about Phone Updates.


TouchPlay Joker Poker Video Poker Lite

Introducing the Magic Card! Changing the way you play Video Poker, the Magic Card can be used to automatically win any Double Up!How far can you...


Mahjong Jewels Deluxe Brain Training Memory Game

Lots of fun, just challenging enough.


Crocodile Attack 2017

Its JAWS...but with crocodiles...


Shake It! - SimpleChickenGame

Aim for World Rank No.1!.


Hex Map Maker

Make old-school RPG hex maps.


Sweet Crush Mania - 3 match puzzle Yummy Cookie Blast

Fall in love with this sweet new Match 3 candy puzzle game...