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Order & Chaos Online - Fantasy 3D MMORPG

Enjoy the thrill of an epic adventure in the most acclaimed MMORPG on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch: Explore a vast heroic fantasy world and...


Glitter Art 3D

Let your artwork sparkle.


Chimeras: The Price Of Greed

New Hidden Object Mystery Game.


Axe the Fruits!

Satisfyingly splattly.


Stephen Sharers Rocket Slide

Official Stephen Sharer Game.



Find all the unscrambled words.


Ludo's Quest

Ludo's Quest is a side-scrolling platformer inspired from Super Mario Bros and Ghosts 'n Goblins.


Wake&Bake - Puzzle Weed Story

Weed Shop Match-3 Puzzle Game.


Fantasy Brackets

A unique social trivia game for anyone and everyone...


Basketball GO!

King James, Chef Curry, The G.O.A.T and many other basketball superstars have been discovered around your neighbourhood...


Hand Chop

Don't cut your hand.


Super Cat Adventure!

An awesome cute running adventure suitable for all ages.