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Turn Blackjack

Heres the Turn BlackJack. Its as real as it can get exciting many times over. The amazing graphics, the tables, the chips you get an absolutely...


Smash of Cards for Wrestling

Play the first Ever 1 Trump card Game of the Wrestling .


Gambino HD: Best Slots Casino

Spin Fortune Wheel to Win Big.


Real Solitaire for iPad

Like windows solitaire?


Blackjack Championship

Most Authentic Blackjack.


Dice With Buddies: Dice Game

Dice With Buddies rated the #1 Dice game in the App Store.


Poker Magnet

Let's play mind games.


Hot Beach Slot Machine

Test your luck and get a jackpot in a casino.


BlackJack - A Card Game

BlackJack is a simple card game with no currency purchases.


Slots - Pharaoh's Fire

Fun, excitement, entertainment.


Blackjack Pirate Kings

Classic Blackjack card game.