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Circle Carrom

Addictive Pool + Carrom twist.



The classic Ball Game.


Mega Game - Master of Orion Version

The ascendant spacefaring 4X strategy game returns! A new chapter in the epic Master of Orion saga is poised to once again capture the imaginations...


99 Gummy Bears

*** App Store New and Noteworthy, What's Hot, and top iPad Gummy Bear App ***99 Gummy Bears brings our favorite squishy candy to life with physics...


Lead the Light

Its the dawn of a new day, and Alpy the sun spirit is on a mission to bring warmth and light to the world.


The Legend of Moon

Classic role-playing game.


Sushi Chef Knife

Join the Chef and embark a delicious adventure.


Animal Tree - Tiny Tree Tower for Pixel Animals

The forest animals are building a tree tower to compete with the Bit People in the City! Help the animals to complete their quest for building the...


Stealth Man 3D

Are you looking for a hyper casual stealth game...


Zombies HD

Inspired by Left 4 Dead and Alive 4-Ever, Zombies HD is the ultimate mobile first person zombie shooter, with the most advanced graphics engine on...



Prime Shooter: Fun Learn/Learn with FunSmash, shoot and remember prime numbers in a new innovative fun way!Prime Shooter is a learning game that...