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Kamikaze Shooter

Kamikaze is a fast paced action arcade free game based on the WW2 battle of Okinawa in the Pacific theater.


Virus Wars 3D

Quarantine them on a 3D ball.


Water Bottle Flip 3D Challenge

Flippy Bottle Extreme Fun.


Pyramid Solitaire Lite

Pyramid Solitaire is a classic solitaire game of matching cards which add up to 13. With many configurable options, there up to 60 different levels...


Mom And Child Jigsaw Puzzle For Kids

Mom And Child Jigsaw Puzzle For Kids Welcome to Jigsaw Puzzle. It is a real Jigsaw puzzle game.


Memory Patterns

Best memory and pattern game.


Bingo Snap for Tango

The fast-paced, super-fun way to play bingo! Addictive gameplay and slick controls make this game impossible to put down! Most bingos of any game!...


Freddys Bike: Climb Racing

Are you fan of Racing. Do you have passion to drive fast yet keep it safe? Does Speed thrills you?



Homebound is a Reigns-style narrative game about making choices and managing your mental well-being while in lockdown.


Gro Recycling Lite

This is the Lite version of the award winning educational game Gro Recycling. Try it out for free and purchase the full game for even more fun...


Dungeon and Multiplication

Who said that math is useless. Become an adventurer in a deadly dungeon where only your times tables skills can save you.



Sacred Tree.