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Papa's Taco Mia To Go

Drag, swipe, and tap your way through the taco-crafting process.


King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare

Make friends and battle enemies across the globe.


Spots Connect

Play connecting 3 spots game on your phone.


Undead Legion

Assemble the undead army and defeat the humans.


X-Core. Galactic Plague

Lead the alien invasion and conquer Earth.


Cooking Mama for iPhone

Play the cooking game on your iPhone.


Throne on Fire HD

Fight against real players all around the world for the eternal throne in classic war strategy game.


Tower Madness Zero: 3D Tower Defense

Defend your sheep from aliens in this 3D tower defense game for iPhone and iPod Touch.

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Monster Defense - World War

Kill all of the seizing monsters to defend your throne.


Kingdom Rush Origins HD

Take a trip back to the beginning of Kingdom Rush.


Star Wars: Commander

Charge into battle on distant planets, and lead your troops to victory.


Mouse of Cards

Use your savvy and whip the votes to climb the government ladder to the highest seat in the land.