With Sewing Kit Pro, you get all of the iOS app features from the iOS HD app plus our new web application to make sure your information is always...
Watch My Stocks - a color-coded Apple Watch display of daily gains/losses and values of your stocks and stock portfolios. Use a proxy ETF to track...
OptionPosition+ Version 3.9OptionPosition+ is a financial analysis App that estimates the value of a set of shares and put and call options for a...
Meeting Pad available for you iPhone, iPad and Mac is the reason to take your iPhone to every meeting you attend, if you're meeting with one person...
Converter+ is a unit converter with the most extensive list of currencies and units in hundreds of categories. Converter Plus also comes with many...
Jetzt gibt es JFW Dammbach auch als mobile App! Egal ob Neuigkeiten, Fotos, Veranstaltungen oder Termine, alles landet direkt in der Hosentasche....
Work Time Mapon mobile app allows You to enter quickly and easily hours worked and mileage you drive to Mapon software. You can also describe the...
FF Schwechat! Jetzt auch als App fr das Smartphone! Immer auf dem aktuellen Stand bleiben und keine Neuigkeiten mehr verpassen. Dank...
Die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Mahlow gibts jetzt ab sofort auch als App!Verpassen Sie keine Neuigkeiten mehr. Egal ob aktuelle Einstze, bevorstehende...
Welcome to Copper, your Project Management saviour in the cloud. Copper is a Project, Task, and Time Management tool, that allows multiple team...
Alfresco Mobile connects to Alfresco in the cloud and Alfresco on premise servers* to provide safe access to your corporate content on the...
Accounts 2 - the successor to the top selling Accounts app is now available in the App Store! If you are considering purchasing this Accounts app,...