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Kanki House of Steak and Sushi

Your ideal meal is just a few taps away. Download the Kanki House of Steak and Sushi app free for iPhone today.


7 Leaves Cafe

Loyalty program.


Experience Alcdia Tour

Audioguide of Alcdia-Mallorca.


Kalavryta Museum Guide

This museum audio tour provides information about the life in the region before the 2nd world war, the period of the italian-german occupation...


NISEA: Ferries (Mediterranean)

Search, Book & Track Ferries.


oRide Partner

oRide Partner level up the drivers everyday work by getting them more passengers in a short time with little effort. Just download the app for...



MO BUS - The Way We Move.



YoJoe is different than other apps because it combines the ability to share a coffee brewed in your kitchen and the ability to share a coffee you.


Moscow Guide Tours

Moscow best guide.



A new Indian restaurant featuring top quality Bangladeshi and Indian cuisines was launched on 12 March 2014 to give the inhabitants of Claygate...


Conversation de voyage

Vous partez en vacances ou en voyage d'affaires l'tranger et vous ne parlez pas la langue locale. Dans un pays tranger, vous tes en activit dans...