
AppAdvice About

AppAdvice Specifications
Date added:
Feb. 2, 2024
Date released:
Sept. 26, 2017
Operating system:
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: iPad2Wifi, iPad23G, iPhone4S, iPadThirdGen, iPadThirdGen4G, iPhone5, iPodTouchFifthGen, iPadFourthGen, iPadFourthGen4G, iPadMini, iPadMini4G, iPhone5c, iPhone5s, iPadAir, iPadAirCellular, iPadMiniRetina, iPadMiniRetinaCellular, iPhone6, iPhone6Plus, iPadAir2, iPadAir2Cellular, iPadMini3, iPadMini3Cellular, iPodTouchSixthGen, iPhone6s, iPhone6sPlus, iPadMini4, iPadMini4Cellular, iPadPro, iPadProCellular, iPadPro97, iPadPro97Cellular, iPhoneSE, iPhone7, iPhone7Plus, iPad611, iPad612, iPad71, iPad72, iPad73, iPad74

AppAdvice v5.1.3

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AppAdvice Screenshots

AppAdvice Editor's review

* All New Design! App 100% Rewritten for iOS 10

* News,Tips, Reviews, & Apps Personalized Based on Use

* AppPlays: All Screenshots of apps have been replaced by inline video of the app in action

* New 'Tips' Section: An article each week focused on solving a real problem with your device.

* No more push notifications unless you specifically ask for them.

We thank all our loyal readers who have supported us since 2008! We appreciate your devotion and hope this app is everything you hope it will be. Please do send us suggestions at


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