KryptoGraphe: Crypto Altfolio Specifications
Integrate with your crypto exchange accounts and auto-sync your portfolio.
Get a detailed view of where your portfolio stands overall (profit, loss, and % growth or decline). Get quick and effortless views by coin, exchange, etc., and by period (day, week, month). Check how your portfolio is performing against other investors to understand your real performance: All Investors, Top 25% Investors, Investors from Your Country, Investors with Similar Portfolio Sizes. Our app shows how your portfolio is doing not just on an absolute basis (Growth Nos), but also relative to other investors in the market (Percentile Nos) for you to have an insight on how well you are positioned. Learn how your portfolio is doing compared to All Investors and Investors like you (category artificially created based on similar portfolio size). Our team of news consolidators keeps you abreast with the latest news and updates from the digital currency world and in the world of enterprise blockchain with 3-5 posts per day. Use the app to check for the latest market capitalization of Bitcoin and altcoins, percentage change per day, and volume of trades, and to create a watchlist of the coins you want to follow.