Raptor Security Software Asset Specifications
Security Guard Patrol Software.
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Push To Talk Walkie Talkie Function. Threat Alert. Live Video Streaming. FaceTime Video and Audio Functions.
Raptor security guard software aims to help companies monitor their guard tours without getting distracted from their initial purpose: ensure high security level of their staff (guards and other security officers) and guaranteed protection of buildings and assets.
1. Real-time
Real-time security guard management. An innovative guard tour software executes procedures in real-time to relieve the managing staff from time consumable processes such as repeating phone calls, filling paper or online forms, controlling patrols via messages or visits to the specific areas. Investing in a real-time security guard management software, a company or organization is able to monitor guards position and guard tours in real time and be informed about any occurring incident and increasing the security level of both their staff and the services provided to their clients.
iDMSS Plus 319 |
iVMS-4500 261 |
vMEye 232 |
Shu - Magic File Viewer 203 |
Anyvan 203 |
CamViews 203 |
CIH Test Prep 203 |
Smallcaps Keyboard 203 |
eSOMS Maintenance 203 |