
IQVIA Pharma Ticker About

IQVIA Pharma Ticker Specifications
Date added:
Aug. 1, 2022
Date released:
Aug. 31, 2020
Operating system:
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Requires iOS 12.4 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

IQVIA Pharma Ticker v1.0.8

IQVIA PharmaTicker provides the fastest access in market to pharmaceuticals sales data for the products of your interest.

IQVIA Pharma Ticker Screenshots

IQVIA Pharma Ticker Editor's review

IQVIA PharmaTicker provides the fastest access in market to pharmaceuticals sales data for the products of your interest. See the results of your TV advertising and Brand promotions in almost real time by monitoring Pharmacy sales within hours of the transactions taking place.

Just like the stock market pick and choose the products you have invested in, and also keep an eye on the competition, by dynamically managing your priority product list. Monitor sales, market share and growth, and zoom in to see where the sales are happening.

Data for Pharmacy Streaming is collected and processed leveraging IQVIAs advanced streaming technology and Big Data Factory, and published within minutes of receiving it from suppliers, with content depending on your categories of interest and data subscription.


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