Documents Freeby SavySoda Ranked the #1 overall BUSINESS APP on iTunes in OVER 40 COUNTRIES. Over 20 Million Users on iOS AS FEATURED ON APPLE, USA...
Documents Free bridges a major gap for many iOS users, allowing you to create and open documents and spreadsheets quickly on your mobile device. With cloud integration, Wi-Fi transfers, and a universal app that will open your files on any device, you can easily work on the fly without having to transfer files into and out of numerous formats over ...
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Find and discover documents through people you work with.
View, create, edit, and sync Microsoft Word files and view other Office files.
>>> Hot File Manager for Mobile !!!Catch documents from PC or Mac via USB cable or WIFI, email attachments, Dropbox and FTP and save it on your...
TrueView existing customers can access their stored documents quickly and securely on their iPhone or iPad.
Provides you with a simple way to sign and return PDF documents anywhere, anytime with just a few clicks on your mobile device. SIGNificant is...
Scan invoices, business cards, tickets, cookbook recipes and all other kinds of paper documents with PaperScan. Upload them to Dropbox, GoogleDrive...