Pushcart - Indian Grocery Specifications
Indian Grocery Shopping Easier.
In the olden days, mothers used to be able to shop from the comfort of their own doorsteps through pushcart vendors. In this modern age, we bring you the same comfort, but better. With just a few simple clicks, all your Indian grocery needs are taken care of - without even taking a step out of your homes. The best part? With our Pushcart App, you can buy whatever you need even on the go!.
Lets face it - Indian groceries are pretty confusing for the younger generation. The women rule the roost and if you bring the wrong item home, you will probably never hear the end of it. At Pushcart, we do the shopping for you so heave a big sigh of relief and say goodbye to the snaking queues and hassle of lugging groceries and say hello to this one stop shopping experience.