
Progwhiz Hex Editor About

Progwhiz Hex Editor Specifications
Date added:
Dec. 20, 2019
Date released:
Sept. 17, 2019
Operating system:
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Additional Requirements
iOS 6 or up

Progwhiz Hex Editor v1.8.17

Edit files in hex mode with advanced text search/replace features.

Progwhiz Hex Editor Screenshots

Progwhiz Hex Editor Editor's review

Progwhiz Hex Editor is versatile yet very powerful. Features: Text Search/Replace. Hex Search/Replace. Search for ? by using /?. Text wildcard Search e.g. HE?P would find all words that begin with 'HE' and end with P. Such as HELP. Text wildcard Replace e.g. T??L would change the 1st and last letters and leave the 2 middle characters the same. Giving the result as TELL.

Hex Pattern Wildcard Search & Replace. e.g. 55??AA would find all Hex patterns that start with 55 then an unknown hex value followed by AA e.g. 55??AA??BB would find all Hex patterns that start with 55 then an unknown hex value followed by AA, then an unknown hex value followed by BB. Replace capability is as follows e.g. Replace 65??45 would replace the 1st byte with 65, the 2nd byte will remain unchanged and the 3rd byte changed to 45. 4Bit Search/Replace Feature.


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