
Amazon Kindle About

Amazon Kindle Specifications
Date added:
July 4, 2023
Date released:
Aug. 20, 2020
Operating system:
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Requires iOS 12.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

Amazon Kindle v6.33

Go beyond paper with conveniently portable reading experiences across captive genre selection at your fingertips.

Amazon Kindle Editor's review

Editors' take:As an alternative to iBooks, we highly recommend Amazon's Kindle e-book reader app. Though not quite as pretty as iBooks, the Kindle app gives you access to Amazon's slightly larger Kindle Store, plus you can read the Kindle books on your iPad, on your iPhone, your Mac or PC, and even your Kindle reader--if you happen to have one. Also, you are able to take notes on the Kindle app.

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