App of the Day. -- Apple. Build better mental habits using science-backed hypnosis. Mindset helps you improve your mind by retraining the thought...
**App of the Day** -- Apple
Build better mental habits using science-backed hypnosis. Mindset helps you improve your mind by retraining the thought patterns that affect how you think and act. Do more through improved productivity, deep sleep and crystal-clear focus.
"Hypnosis is a very powerful means of changing the way we use our minds to control our perception and our bodies" ...
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OVER 2 MILLION DOWNLOADS SOLD!Fill yourself with peace, calm, and tranquility with this relaxing hypnotherapy app from Erick Brown. Let go of...
Assign challenges and get instant feedback on how to improve your diet.
Meditation is scientifically proven to increase mental sharpness, reduce stress and anxiety, and even improve physical health.
Guided mindfulness meditation.
Behavioral Medicine Weight Management (BMWM) provides one-on-one coaching, group support and meal replacements to help those struggling with...
Keep track of how much water you drink.