Real-time medical insights.
kernel helps you analyze insights and trends across your customers in healthcare, payer and patient advocacy organizations, in real-time.
Since we launched kernel, a recurring request from our customers is the ability for MSLs to enter thought leader feedback without Internet access (for example, while on an airplane returning from a medical congress).
Our new app lets your field medical colleagues:
* Record ...
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50% OFF For a Limited Time. Current price $3.99, regular price $7.99 As Featured on Mashable, Inc Magazine, HuffingtonPost, Trendhunter Magazine,...
OTC Consult: Over-the-Counter Pharmacy Consultations...
theClinicians is a free app being founded by a group of Saudi Physicians and empowered by STC, as a form of community service.
The Sniffle telemedicine app is built by clinicians,for clinicians.
The iVote-App is used by participants to respond to the polling slides created with the iVote PowerPoint Add-in.
The International Cell Surgical Society 501(c)3 presents a responsible, scientific way to advance the field of regenerative medicine through an...