P-Cog+ Specifications
P COG + is a computer based expert system to obtain a history, perform a cognitive test, and record a management plan for patients with cognitive.
P COG + is a computer based expert system to obtain a history, perform a cognitive test, and record a management plan for patients with cognitive complaints.
P COG + has 3 parts.
1. Initially, the system collects historical information directly from caregivers or informants, In an intuitive and non-threatening manner, the application asks the caregivers about neuropsychiatric symptoms (depression, anxiety, agitation, psychosis); about day to day struggles (doing finances, keeping appointments, driving, and preparing food); and about future planning and needs (living will, decision making, home support or placement).
2. The app proceeds to a previously validated cognitive exam. This is a 30 point test, takes 4 minutes, and can be performed by office staff.
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