
Fuzz Alert speed trap About

Editors' rating
Fuzz Alert speed trap Specifications
Date added:
Sept. 10, 2023
Date released:
June 21, 2016
Operating system:
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: iphone3gs, iphone3gs, iphone4, iphone4, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipad2wifi, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipad23g, iphone4s, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini, ipadmini4g, ipadmini4g

Fuzz Alert speed trap v1.4

Fuzz Alert lets users locate approaching speed traps, and red light cameras etc... Fuzz Alert free comes with map, pimp it, and animated voices.The...

Fuzz Alert speed trap Screenshots

Fuzz Alert speed trap Editor's review

Fuzz Alert Speed Trap is a hybrid game/real-time user-feedback system to alert users of speed traps; and while it is impossible to verify, it worked as advertised in our tests. The known speed traps near our testing site were noted on the app, and the verification system seems to reward users for accurate notations, while trying to minimize the number of false reports and verifications.

The app instantly opens to your current location, using the GPS tracking in your phone to match you to the map. It will then show the nearest speed trap to you. Zoom out and you can see others in the area, as well. These functions are all free and don't require registration. If you do register, you can add new speed traps and "pimp out" a digital car you're given to show how many speed traps you've registered and confirmed. The system is set up smartly and the interface is very user friendly, complete with alerts for your area. We cannot confirm all of the speed traps listed near our location, however, if only because they are not always apparent.


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No more speeding tickets.