C172SP Flashcards Study App Specifications
OVERVIEW: Cessna 172SP is an aircraft training aid designed to help pilots with memory recollection of aircraft systems and knowledge.
Cessna 172SP is an aircraft training aid designed to help pilots with memory recollection of aircraft systems and knowledge. The Cessna 172SP was introduced in 1998 and is still in production today. This model is marketed under the name Skyhawk SP. The 172SP also offers the Garmin G1000 avionics.
-Landing Gear & Brakes (5 Flashcards).
-Limitations (26 Flashcards).
-Electrical (5 Flashcards).
-Fuel Systems (10 Flashcards).
-Powerplant (5 Flashcards).
-Flight Controls (5 Flashcards).
-Aircraft General (17 Flashcards).
-Random Questions (10 Flashcards).
-Systems Questions (17 Flashcards).
-Flight Instruments (13 Flashcards).
-After you have reviewed all 10 sections, test your knowledge with 3 Cessna 172SP multiple choice quizzes! Do you have what it takes to pass our quiz? Download today and find out!