Fostering in a Digital World Specifications
The Fostering in a Digital World app is a go-to guide that fits right in your pocket.
The Fostering in a Digital World app is a go-to guide that fits right in your pocket.
Fostering isnt always easy and we know it may sometimes be unclear where to turn for advice, especially concerning online issues. Thats why the Fostering in a Digital World App has been created as a resource and training tool for foster carers.
The app uses an innovative platform that has been developed specifically for and with foster carers in an initiative across the South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust directives of the Fostering Service and Health Development, in partnership with the Ineqe Group. The app is now a regional resource available across all five Health & Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland.
Learn French/Apprends Francais 232 |
MKS Parent 232 |
CCSP- Certified Cloud Security 203 |
Schoolwork 203 |
Laurels School 203 |
CCS FFL 203 |
Foldify Dinosaurs 203 |
Sofiri 203 |
Tagalog by Nemo 203 |
DNC 2016 203 |