Historic Nova Scotia Specifications
Explore Nova Scotias history.
Historic Nova Scotia is a free app that allows you to explore Nova Scotias rich history. Developed by a number of cultural heritage organizations in Nova Scotia, Historic Nova Scotia provides an interpretive view of many aspects of the regions history. Each point on the interactive GPS-enabled map includes historical information about the site along with historic images and other digital resources from Nova Scotias cultural heritage organizations.
Currently the app is under development with new content being added on an ongoing basis. Updates on the project can be found on the projects website, historicnovascotia.ca. We welcome new contributions, if you would like to become involved in contributing digital stories, reviewing content, please contact us at historicns@gmail.com.
History of Advertising Trust 290 |
The Hentaigana App 261 |
Speechling: Learn Any Language 232 |
Little Ones 232 |
Foldify Dinosaurs 232 |
CEN Tests 232 |
W5GO Imagination 232 |
OSU Research 232 |
CCSP- Certified Cloud Security 203 |
FirstView 203 |