The Tales of Aarchie follows the adventures of an Armadillo who takes us on an interactive journey where we learn about quirks of the English...
The Tales of Aarchie follows the adventures of an Armadillo who takes us on an interactive journey where we learn about quirks of the English language.
We start with homophones which are words that sound the same but are spelt differently and describe different things.
Sore and saw, horse and hoarse and stairs and stares for instance. Wonderfully imaginative, the story changes ...
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100% FREE Dictionary with sound from English to French and French to English.Dictionnaire Franais Gratuit - L'anglais au franais et du franais...
Have fun and learn with the ultimate sentence building app to help students associate written words with spoken words.
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Quickly build your Italian vocabulary with a minimum of effort. By optimizing when you need to review words you waste less time with words you...
The top GRE Flash Cards App on the App Store! Now comes with reminders and a learning planner! Free now for a limited period of time! The GRE...
The ONE App for all Spelling Bee Contest Preparations! Spell + Friends provides the entire Consolidated Word List (CWL) at your fingertips! Spell...