Gurbani Vichar(UK) Specifications
You need not carry Gutka to recite Gurbani anymore.
You need not carry Gutka to recite Gurbani anymore. Gurbani App for iPhone and iPod lets you remember and connect with the Guru from anywhere and everywhere. Whether you are in your office, on the train, delayed at the airport or at your home on the couch, reading these explanations of qualities of the Lord and Soul are easy.
The App includes Hukamnama, Asa Di War, Mool Mantar - Gur Mantar, Nitnem, Sukhmani Sahib, Shabads, Lavan, Gurbani (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) and the Ardaas. Holy writings from different Gutkas are compiled and presented at one place and you can read them with just one click.
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