
YSchool Ph Huynh About

YSchool Ph Huynh Specifications
Date added:
Sept. 12, 2023
Date released:
Aug. 20, 2020
Operating system:
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

YSchool Ph Huynh v5.0.17

Ch bng nhng thao tc n gin, ng dng s gip ph huynh:Nhn thng tin im danh kp thi, chi tit, an tm khi a con ti trng.

YSchool Ph Huynh Editor's review

Ch bng nhng thao tc n gin, ng dng s gip ph huynh:

-Nhn thng tin im danh kp thi, chi tit, an tm khi a con ti trng.

-Theo di v n c bi v ca con theo bo bi chi tit c gi trc tip t gio vin lp/ b mn.

-Tng tc thng xuyn, phn hi, thc mc vi gio vin qua chc nng trao i.

-Nhn nh gi hc tp tng mn theo tng ngy khi nhng c gng ca con c ghi nhn.

-Bnh lun v th hin s yu thch vi nhng hot ng ca cc con trn lp qua Gc hot ng


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