Ripple Effects for Staff - School Edition Specifications
Do you have Ripple Effects for Staff in your school. This iPad version is an extension of the award-winning program that your school has licensed.
Do you have Ripple Effects for Staff in your school? This iPad version is an extension of the award-winning program that your school has licensed. There is no additional fee to extend your school license to this new platform.
Ripple Effects for Staff offers Just in Time professional learning for educators who:
need help teasing out learning, behavioral, health, and cultural issues
have been accused of discrimination because of who, when, or how you discipline
have the commitment, but not the time, to individualize your approach to students
would like to build your own social-emotional competence
CompTIA CASP Test Prep 203 |
CCSP- Certified Cloud Security 203 |
DNC 2016 203 |
Schoolwork 203 |
Laurels School 203 |
CCS FFL 203 |
Sofiri 203 |
Foldify Dinosaurs 203 |
Tagalog by Nemo 203 |
FirstView 203 |