
Oxford Dictionary of Finance and Banking About

Oxford Dictionary of Finance and Banking Specifications
Date added:
Nov. 30, 2017
Date released:
Oct. 18, 2017
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iOS, iPhone OS 3.x, iPhone OS 1.x, iPhone OS 2.x,
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Oxford Dictionary of Finance and Banking v10.0.3

Access clear definitions on a wide range of topics in the fields of finance and banking.

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Oxford Dictionary of Finance and Banking Editor's review

FromMobile Systems:his accessible guide is a perfect source of reference for all those with an interest in finance. Invaluable for students and professionals in the fields of finance and banking, it is also ideal for private investors and readers of the financial pages. The entries in the new edition cover the vocabulary used in banking, money markets, foreign exchanges, public and government finance, and private investment and borrowing, and much more. The coverage in all areas is wide and international Over 200 new entries have been added to this edition and it has been fully updated to reflect recent developments in the industry, such as structured finance and the subprime lending crisis. Feature entries have been included in this edition for the fuller explanation of topical and complex areas, e

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