SkySafari 6 Plus Specifications
SkySafari 6 Plus goes beyond most basic astronomy apps by providing you with a full-featured space simulator with telescope control.
SkySafari 6 Plus goes beyond most basic astronomy apps by providing you with a full-featured space simulator with telescope control.
Note that there is no discount upgrade path from SkySafari 6 Plus to SkySafari 6 Pro. Choose carefully!
Here's what's new in version 6:
1) Complete support for iOS 11 and iPhone X. We got you covered and release regular updates.
2) Clouds and Astronomy. Two words that rarely go together. Rewritten from the ground up, SkySafari 6 Plus will (optionally) back up all of your observing data in our secure cloud storage and make it easily accessible to multiple devices as well as from our new web interface,