Gujarati Arabic Dictionary Specifications
Gujarati to Arabic and Arabic to Gujarati Dictionary. Gujarati-layout Keyboard, Arabic Keyboard with tons of auto-complete suggestions. You can use...
Gujarati to Arabic and Arabic to Gujarati Dictionary. Gujarati-layout Keyboard, Arabic Keyboard with tons of auto-complete suggestions. You can use it as Quick Keyboard. You can search both Arabic and Gujarati words! To type Gujarati, Gujarati keyboard is implemented. This is not only a dictionary but also a learning tool. MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) option available. There is auto suggestion so you need not type full words. You can add words to study plan. Features- - Dual Free Dictionary - Gujarati, Phonetic, Arabic keyboard with auto-complete suggestions. - Text to Speech feature - Auto-complete suggestions to find meaning - Transliteration for non-Gujarati users - Gujarati Texts Saves automatically on Others Tab - Gujarati Texts can be used for other applications - MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) - Study plan section