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BB-8 App Enabled Droid Powered by Sphero About

BB-8 App Enabled Droid Powered by Sphero Specifications
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Date added:
May 27, 2017
Date released:
April 4, 2017
Operating system:
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Additional Requirements
iOS 8.0

BB-8 App Enabled Droid Powered by Sphero v1.3.0

Meet BB-8 - your very own app-enabled Astromech Droid.

BB-8 App Enabled Droid Powered by Sphero Screenshots

BB-8 App Enabled Droid Powered by Sphero Editor's review

Over the years, the experience of Star Wars has always lived on screen and in our imaginations. The characters, worlds, and adventures have become an unforgettable part of our lives, and toys have kept that magic in our hearts long after we've left the theater. Thanks to advancements in technology, it is now possible to bring a new part of Star Wars: The Force Awakens into your home in an incredibly authentic way. For the first time, a real Droid is finally making its way into your world.
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