
684 Rescue From Trench House About

684 Rescue From Trench House Specifications
Date added:
March 22, 2016
Date released:
March 17, 2016
Operating system:
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Requires iOS 5.1.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

684 Rescue From Trench House v1.0

Escape from a trench house.

684 Rescue From Trench House Editor's review

FromENA Game Studio:684 Rescue From Trench House is an intriguing point and click type new escape game developed by ENA games for free. Presume a situation that a boy was kidnapped and was kept inside a trench house. As you are a cop, now it is your responsibility to rescue the boy. But this is not going to be that much easier. This could be possible only if you could exhibit your brilliance and determination towards it

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