
531 Shell Shaped House Escape About

531 Shell Shaped House Escape Specifications
Date added:
Nov. 20, 2015
Date released:
Nov. 18, 2015
Operating system:
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Additional Requirements

531 Shell Shaped House Escape v1.0

Try to escape from the locked shell-shaped house.

531 Shell Shaped House Escape Screenshots

531 Shell Shaped House Escape Editor's review

FromENA Game Studio:531th Shell shaped house escape is an interesting point and click type new room escape game developed by ENA games for free. Assume a situation that you went on a tour to a place full houses in well designed manner. Suddenly when you saw a house designed in shell-shaped, you got attracted and knocked the door. But you didn't get any response. When you opened the door and entered into the house, it gets locked automatically

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