"Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: The Great Race" is an electronic board game for a younger audience that combines both entertainment and education. Besides...
FromGame Technologies S. A.:"Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: The Great Race" is an electronic board game for a younger audience that combines both entertainment and education. Besides being engaging and fun,Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: The Great Race" makes it easy for children to learn the basics of math and logical thinking along with, developing their reflex's and perception skills . All in an ...
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CalcuRace makes math fun for everyone! Test your math skills and make it onto the leaderboards! Solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or...
ABC First Letters Puzzle is a easy and fast way to learn English alphabet.
Kids puzzle game & bubble pop.
For Better Grades!Pronto PlayA fun and educational game to help your child learn and practice basic math, spelling and even foreign languages....
Shape puzzle for children, ages 2-6, utilizing Montessori and Scientific approaches to learn in a fun way and on the go.Features: Development of...