Set in the realm of brutal Greek mythology, God of War III is a single-player game that allows players to take on the climatic role of the...
FromAndrew Marc:Set in the realm of brutal Greek mythology, God of War III is a single-player game that allows players to take on the climatic role of the ex-Spartan warrior, Kratos, as he scales through the intimidating heights of Mt. Olympus and the dark depths of Hell to seek revenge on those who have betrayed him. Armed with double-chained blades, ...
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Explore the vast and dangerous World of CHIMA ruled by animal warriors in the brand new, free-to-play LEGO Legends of CHIMA Online game. Play...
Explore Harvardville Airport, rescue survivors, and unlock puzzles in this iPhone game.
Play a turn-based puzzle stealth game set in a beautiful dystopian future.
Own and fight 35 unique battle robots and battle mechs.
Capture, evolve, and battle thousands of unique and mysterious creatures called Miscrits! Join over 20 million players as you explore the majestic...
Fight to save the galaxy.