In a world where humans and dinosaurs live together, a meteor heading for the planet sends dinosaurs fleeing the impact zone. After walking for...
In a world where humans and dinosaurs live together, a meteor heading for the planet sends dinosaurs fleeing the impact zone. After walking for miles on end, the dinosaurs settle down to recover from their long journey. Luckily they come across a human tribe, who help them out by building a Safe Haven for the lost dinosaurs and their babies. ...
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***Important update: Discover the All-New Glacier Battle Arena and Tournament Mode!****** Welcome to YOUR Jurassic Park!***Based on the ground...
Ninja Saga have Dutch version NOW!!Install and rate us 5 stars!!* Features- Customize your ninja with tons of weapons, outfits and even Ninjutsu!-...
Ouch. Your phone just vibrated, someone is attacking your island, Let's go revenge. Invite your Facebook friends to play the hottest social game...
Welcome to Small City! As new mayor of the "Next Big Street" you've been invited to build the best restaurants, shops and townhomes around! Move in...
Capture incredible monsters, evolve them and battle against your friends!***Featured by Apple on the front page of the App Store in the US and...
Pair socks on your line to make coins. Throw the odd ones in your bin for your Facebook friends to collect. Collect sets of themed socks to earn...