MILLIONAIRE TYCOON : Free Realestate Trading Strategy Board Game Specifications
The Real Estate Trading Game Designed Just for iPod & iPhone.
-= v9.2 =-
- Chinese localization changes
- Improved support for latest iOS
-= v9.1 =-
- Fixed a bug where players colours are green on some devices
-= v9.0 =-
- Fixed a problem loading games when running on iOS 8 and iOS 9
-= v7.9 =-
- iOS 9 Compatibility update
-= v7.8 =-
- New Hong Kong Level
-= v7.7 =-
- Fixed a bug causing the game to crash at turn 20.
-= v7.6 =-
- Fixed bug with loading autosave games
-= v7.5 =-
- Fixed crash issue in menu system.
-= V7.4 =-
- iOS 8 Update
- iPhone 6+ Support
-= V7.3 =-
- iOS 7 Update