
Latin Conjugations About

Latin Conjugations Specifications
Date added:
April 23, 2020
Date released:
April 23, 2020
Operating system:
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Additional Requirements
Requires iOS 11.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Latin Conjugations v1.2

Hone your proficiency in Latin conjugations by practicingdrills with over 200 verbs.

Latin Conjugations Editor's review

Hone your proficiency in Latin conjugations by practicingdrills with over 200 verbs.

Two modes of game play let you approach the practice from opposite ends.

In mode 1, identify the person, tense, voice and mood from a conjugated verb.

In mode 2, choose the correct conjugated verb based on given criteria.

You can also select which conjugations, tenses, voices and moods are included in the drills, allowing you to focus on one or more in particular, or choose them all for a complete overview.


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