Message and call your family and friends for FREE! - Avoid SMS and phone charges - unlimited messages and calls over your 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi...
Message and call your family and friends for FREE! - Avoid SMS and phone charges - unlimited messages and calls over your 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi connection - High-quality video and voice calls - Group chat with friends, family, roommates and others- Share photos and videos- Express yourself with FREE stickers! - Uses SSL/TLS security for chats, and encrypts voice ...
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Message and call your family and friends for FREE! - Avoid SMS and phone charges - unlimited messages and calls over your 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi...
Bigo is a revolutionary communication app which allows you to make free domestic and international phone calls. With Bigo, you can make free phone...
Get the most out of your smartphone with Hi, a free communication app that makes free WiFi calls/video calls with your friends. Send text, voice,...
BiP is an application that gives you a new generation instant messaging, and voice and video call experience. You can send; instantly and for free;...
Safe, easy video call and chat.
Text and Video Chat.