4sqwifi Specifications
Find nearby venues with wifi and their password. Worldwide.4sqwifi uses foursquare's API and its user-generated venue tips. Our algorithm filters...
Find nearby venues with wifi and their password. Worldwide.4sqwifi uses foursquare's API and its user-generated venue tips. Our algorithm filters and displays only the relevant venues. By removing unwanted noise, 4sqwifi stands right between the worlds of social location awareness and everyday-life lifehacks. Give it a try: it's free, it's fun, it's easy. You'll love it. 4sqwifi * venues WiFi password foursquare API. "" , hotspots. 20M users Foursquare 100M++ venues . . social location awareness everyday-life lifehacks.As featured in a Robert Scoble interview, TechCrunch.com, LifeHacker, ReadWriteWeb, The Next Web, c|net UK, Away.gr, iPhoneHellas.gr, To Vima, Kathimerini and many more websites.
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