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Gematria Calculator About

Gematria Calculator Specifications
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Date added:
May 10, 2014
Date released:
July 14, 2009
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Additional Requirements
Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch., Requires iPhone OS 2.0 or later., iTunes account required

Gematria Calculator v1.2

Bible (Torah) Learning iToolFinally, what every person was missing when learning the Bible from the original sources (Torah), a Gematria...

Gematria Calculator Editor's review

Bible (Torah) Learning iToolFinally, what every person was missing when learning the Bible from the original sources (Torah), a Gematria Calculator. Enjoy your learning at a hi-tech level. Simple to use and an aid to your learning.This iTool will calculate the total of the value of each letter/phrase used when learning deep concepts such as in Kabalah (Zohar), Tanya, Psalms & more, and as a plus you can e-mail the results. For example did you know that the Gematria (numerical value) of + = .Keywords: Israel, Hebrew, Israel, Torah, tora, bible, tanya, guemara, guemarah, gematrias, Zohar, tehillim, siddur, sidur, chabad, ashkenaz, sefarad, sefaradi, Ashkenazi, siddur, chitas, chitat, kabala, kabalah, Kabbala, kabbalah, Jews, judaism, pentateuch, chassidus, chassidut, Yiddish, sicha, sichos, rebbe, rabbi, shul, synagogue, jerusalem, aleph Beis, aleph bet, Mishnah, kuzari, shulchan aruch, lubavitch, nusach, Talmud, Guemara, Siddur and jewish.App supports iphone 3.0 OS also!
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