Crime Stoppers Houston Specifications
Submit a Tip.
This anonymous mobile app provides the citizens of Houston and surrounding areas the ability to report information they might have or know about unsolved crime happening in the Greater Houston Area.
Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards of up to $5,000 on all felony crimes that happen in the Greater Houston/Harris County area. The only requirement is you MUST report your tip directly to the Crime Stoppers Tip Line, either by phone, the website or this mobile app.
Things you should know:
Crime Stoppers will never ask you for your name, phone number, address, or any other information that could identify you.
Psiphon 319 |
UPCOP 290 |
Blokada 290 |
Adult Emoji Icons & Animated Emoticons for Texting 290 |
BLE Utility 290 |
SnapBox - save upload for snapchat snaps & videos 261 |
DM Aiplay 261 |
CrashPlan 261 |
UFED Phone Detective 261 |
PWS Manager 261 |