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965 Escape Game - Disco Ticket

Find hidden disco ticket to go to the New Year celebration party.


964 Escape Games Surprise Wish

Help Geetha wish a happy new year to her friend.


963 Gadget House Escape

Find the way out of your friend's house.


962 Ena's ThanksGiving Escape

Help Turkey flee from the kidnappers.


711 Prison Escape 4

Find the way out of the prison.


961 Can You Escape This 42 Games

Find the way out of a mysterious place.


960 Happy Thanksgiving Day 2016

Make delightful dishes and enjoy the party with some riddles and hidden puzzles to find ingredients.


959 Thanksgiving Turkeys Escape

Help a turkey flock flee from the farm and become happy.


958 Thanksgiving Pets Escape

Help two pet animals which are feeling sick at their home.


957 Thanksgiving Girl Escape

Assume that a girl has been kidnapped and kept as a hostage.


955 Thanksgiving Shallow Water Escape

The Story of this game is to thank US President obama for becoming a president to lead people.


954 Thanksgiving Houdini Escape

Escape the great stunt performer Houdini who stuck inside milk can while practicing at home.